“That doesn’t happen here” happens here.

It’s hard to talk about domestic violence and sexual assault before something happens. It’s harder to talk about after it happens. Start talking to those closest to you today. It starts with you, and collectively, we can make a difference.

National statistics right in our backyard:


Fond du Lac County women/girls will experience domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking in their lifetime.*


Children who experience domestic violence are:

6x more likely to commit suicide.
50% more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol.
75% more likely to commit a violent crime.

– Childhood Domestic Violence Association

> 4,000

Fond du Lac County teens experiencing sexual or physical abuse or threats from a boyfriend or girlfriend in one year.**


child protective services substantiates or finds evidence for a claim of child sexual abuse.

– Rape, Abuse & Incest Network (RAINN)

Incidents of forcible rape & aggravated assault drive Fond du Lac’s “violent crime” numbers.


of forcible rapes in 2015 were of children (under 18) and happened in homes.***

71% of aggravated assaults in 2015 happened in homes – 40% of which were domestic violence and 31% were physical child abuse. These crimes often occurred in the same homes.

In 2016, almost 50%

of all violent crime in Fond du Lac happened in homes and were classified as domestic violence.***


With 81 sexual assault complaints in 2016 to the City of Fond du Lac Police Department, it is estimated that 162 sexual assault incidents in Fond du Lac were not reported.

– 2 out of 3 sexual assaults go unreported to the police. (RAINN)

On average, the Fond du Lac Police Department responds to


handling a total of 670 domestic incidents and 315 arrests in 2016.***

You have the power to do something about it.

With your help, here’s what’s possible:


2 out of 3 people say that talking more about the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault would make it easier to help someone.*

Start talking. Talk hard. Listen and support. Educate yourself. Spread word. Volunteer. Donate.


*Based on national statistics applied to Fond du Lac County 2016 census data.
**Based on national statistic applied to 2017 data from city of Fond du Lac schools.
*** 2016 City of Fond du Lac Police Department data

1 in 3 women experience violence from their partners in their lifetimes.
1 in 3 teens experience sexual or physical abuse or threats from a boyfriend or girlfriend in one year
1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men were sexually abused before the age of 18.