The 2022 Light Up the Night event was organized by the Fond du Lac Prevention Education Committee – PEC. We at the Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund continue to be so impressed with the work our partners in our Fond du Lac Says No More initiative do every day to not only help victims/survivors in crisis but also to educate and make the community aware.

Dr. Buck Blodgett’s spoke at the event and is the founder of the The Love > hate Project after the horrific rape and murder of his daughter Jessie in their Hartford, Wisconsin home is incredibly inspiring. Can you imagine the pain of finding your daughter’s tortured body in her own bedroom? Devastating! He chooses to tell her story and promote love over hate. He asks us all: What is one thing you can do to end violence against women and children?

The event ended with a candlelight vigil and a memorial walk to honor the 80 lives lost in Wisconsin to domestic violence last year. Silent witnesses tell the stories of victims lost in FDL County over the years.

More pictures from the event can be found on our Facebook page.