Thanks for everyone who attended. For highlights, check out the FDL Reporter’s recap article.
Community Education program highlights include:
- Presentation on domestic violence statistics in the city of Fond du Lac and what the community can do as bystanders: Lieutenant Tony Hahn, Fond du Lac Police DVI (Domestic Violence Intervention) Team
- Keynote speaker, Buck Blodgett (Love is Greater than Hate project)
- Interactive session: Led by community partners, Agnesian Domestic Violence, ASTOP, and Solutions Center
‘From the Inside Out – Understanding the Impact of Violence Against Women & Girls’
June 21, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
UW-FDL, room UC 113/114
FREE & open to the public. Light breakfast will be served.
Registration is now closed.