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The Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund is proud to partner with the following organizations to kick off this initiative to prevent violence against women & children in our community and surrounding areas.

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Do you need help?

Local Domestic Violence HelpLines

Agnesian DV: 920.926.4207

Solutions Center: 920.923.1743

Local Sexual Assault HelpLines

ASTOP: 920.926.5395

Fond du Lac Police Department – For EMERGENCIES: 911


Change starts here... with awareness of the issues, education on warning signs; with guidance on how to talk about this difficult subject, support survivors, and intervene appropriately – when it matters most. This won’t be easy and it won’t be solved quickly – but we can find strength & lasting impact in conversation & collaboratiton. There is great work being done in regard to this community issue, but your help is critical for our future.

LOCAL Statistics

Incidents of forcible rape & aggravated assault drive Fond du Lac's "violent crime" numbers. In 2016, almost 50% of all violent crime in Fond du Lac happened in homes and are classified as domestic violence.

  • Fond du Lac is the 15th largest city in WI, but in 2015 ranked #10 in "violent crimes" (per capita).
  • 71% of aggravated assaults in 2015 happened in homes – 40% of which were domestic violence and 31% were physical child abuse. These crimes often occurred in the same homes.
  • 70% of forcible rapes in 2015 were of children (under 18) & happened in homes.
  • Fortunately, there were no homicides in the City in 2016.

National Statistics

About 64% of Americans say that talking more about domestic violence and sexual assault would make it easier to help someone. That conversation begins here.

  • 1 in 3 women experience violence from their partners in their lifetimes.
  • 1 in 3 teens experience sexual or physical abuse or threats from a boyfriend or girlfriend in one year.
  • 1 in 5 women are survivors of rape.
  • 1 in 2 women have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lives.
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men were sexually abused before the age of 18.
  • On average, a child needs to tell an adult 7x before they are believed and action is taken.

Fond du Lac, Pledge to Say NO MORE

Join the movement to end domestic violence and sexual assault in our community.

I pledge to:

  • Learn about these issues and talk openly about them.
  • Support survivors.
  • Speak up. If you see something, say something.
  • Donate time or resources.

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